My Separation from the Libertarian Party

Since May of 2022 a group called the Mises Caucus has had control of the Libertarian National Committee and a number of state affiliates. Their first order or business was to make the party welcoming to bigots by striking from our by-laws our anti-bigotry language. Since that time the MC have actively recruited those whose words and actions I find reprehensible, and have used their positions to enrich themselves and to sell out the party.

A large number of LP members left after the MC takeover: membership and donations have both plunged while they have held sway. Many of us fought to retake the party at our national convention this past May, but the numbers of the faithful remaining were not enough to dislodge MC’s grip on power.

Unfortunately, I no longer have the time, will, or energy to fight.

I am resigning as treasurer of LPHarris, and will be putting my lifetime memberships in both national and LPTexas in abeyance while the Mises Caucus has power in the party. I cannot in good conscience continue to be associated with their vileness and self-serving abuse of the party I had been proud to call mine since 2013.

I hope I am able to return someday.

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