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My Favorite Quotes
- Rejoice always, by John Adams (from David McCollough’s biography)
- on life as a stage, by John Adams (from David McCollough’s biography)
- on ambition, by John Adams (from David McCollough’s biography)
- from Micah, chapter 6, verse 8
- On Doubt, from Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure
- from a speech at Harrow School, 10/29/1941, by Winston Churchill
- “Persistence”, by Woodrow Wilson (?)
- From “On Criticism”, by Alexander Pope
- from Democracy in America, by Alexis de Tocqueville
- A Quote on Government, by Polybius
- From The Death of Common Sense, by Philip K. Howard
- On Liberty, by Thomas Paine
- Joy from Sorrow, by Kahlil Gilbran
- From “Little Herr Friedemann”, by Thomas Mann
- Love, by Brak (of Space Ghost fame)
- Invocation compiled by Steve Robbins
- I Am No Good At Love, by Noel Coward
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